Larger Trees, Locally Grown
Maureen Sexsmith-West
ISA Certified Arborist, PR4600A
If you are looking for balled and burlap locally grown trees, be sure to visit the website of Evergreen Acres Tree Farm.
I got to know the owner Pat Pfiffner a few years back when he was just starting out his tree nursery. He gave us a call for a few pruning tips so that he was offering the best product possible. Since then, his operation has grown steadily. His wife Carmen handles all the office details and is the helpful, cheery voice at the end your phone calls. They have concentrated on growing select varieties of hardy trees. They are all grown in our very own Lethbridge soils, variable weather and of course, under the influence of our Chinook winds. They offer their trees at both retail and wholesale pricing. They contract a local landscaper to install your selections if you aren’t able to do it yourself. Evergreen Website – View their trees, learn about planting techniques and much more.