Special Visitor
Maureen Sexsmith-West
ISA Certified Arborist, PR4600A
Harvesting – Nov 24
First of all, who would think that it would still be possible to harvest carrots on November 24th? I realize I was pushing things a little. While enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun, I was given a real pleasant surprise. A pileated woodpecker arrived in our yard. He originally swooshed past my husband’s head where he was poised hanging christmas lights. A heard a shout to look at our neighbour’s green ash tree. From there, it headed for the electrical poles in the back lane. He was around long enough to get a few photos. I haven’t seen one since I lived in BC some 17 years ago. I didn’t fully realize until I uploaded that photos that he had a travelling companion – another woodpecker (not sure if it is a hairy or a downy). My only disappointment is that i only had my iphone handy to take pictures.
By planting trees we increase available habitat for wildlife. As our diverse community forest matures, the variety of birds, insects, mammals, aphibians and reptiles increases proportionally.
If you are interested in learning more about birds in the region – take in the next meeting of the Lethbridge Naturalists Society: December 12th, 7 pm – Helen Scheuler Nature Center.
You may even wish to sign up for one of the many Bird Counts throughout the region.
Woodpecker duo