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Spring is in the Air

The warm weather of the past few days has definitely begun to warm the soil. I have noticed crocus and tulips bursting from the earth and hints of green poking up from under last seasons dried stems and leaves left to protect the roots. These crocus have been putting on a daytime show for about a week then folding up their petals at night.

The garden sections of many stores are displaying bulbs, seed potatoes and perennials. With the improved daytime temperatures there is a tendency to get ahead of ourselves and begin to tidy up the yard. The weatherman tricks us into exposing tender new shoots only to deliver and killing frost overnight.

Our latest forecast it is a subtle reminder that winter is not done with us – even down here in sunny southern Alberta.

It is important to avoid working wet soils. In our region, soils have a high clay component. Rototilling when moisture content is high can result in clumps that dry as hard as a rock. Compaction is also a high probability when walking about which negates efforts to prep soils. Tread lightly or work from edges or use stepping stones when possible.

The migratory birds have been arriving steadily for the past few weeks. Time to put out the birdhouses.

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